Introduction: Data Structure, Classification (Primitive and non-primitive), data structure operations. Pointers: Definition and Concepts, Array of pointers, Structure and pointersLinear Data Structures – Stacks: Introduction and Definition, Representation of stack: Array and structure representation of stacks, Operations on stacks.Applications of Stack: Conversion of Expressions, Evaluation of expressions. Linear Data Structures – Queues: Introduction and Definition Representation of Queue: Array representation of queues.Linear Data Structures - Singly Linked lists: Dynamic Memory allocation functions. Definition and concepts singly linked List: Representation of link list in memory, Operations on singly Linked List. Linked List representation of stack and queues.15 Hours
Linear Data Structures - Doubly Linked lists: Doubly Linked List: Representation and Operations.Nonlinear Data Structures - Basic Terminologies, Binary Trees: Properties, Representation of Binary Tree: Linear representation, Linked representation, Operations on Binary Tree: Insertion, Simple Deletion, Traversals, Binary search trees. Understanding and representing graphs using adjacency matrix and linked list. INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS: Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving, FUNDAMENTALS OF THE ALGORITHMS EFFICIENCY: Analysis Framework, Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes, Mathematical Analysis of Nonrecursive and Recursive Algorithms.Sorting and Searching Algorithms: Selection Sort, Bubble sort, Merge Sort, Quick sort, Linear Search and Binary Search.15 Hours

DECREASE & CONQUER: Concept of Decrease and Conquer, Graph traversal algorithms - Depth First Search, Breadth First Search.DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Concept of Dynamic Programming, Computing a Binomial Coefficient.GREEDY METHOD: Concept of Greedy technique, Prims algorithm. BACKTRACKING: Concept of Backtracking technique, N-Queens problem.10 Hours